Our Services

  • Redress old patterns

    We all struggle with the same things as women: the endless comparisons, the pressure to be a certain way while juggling all the other parts of life, sometimes there’s beliefs from the past that hold us back or a voice that doubts our abilities. It’s okay, we all have those same limitations but it's how we move forward, break old habits and appreciate our worth that makes the difference. This package is especially recommended for women going through increased physical or emotional change e.g. the menopause, post-partum.

    Without peace we have nothing. This lack of connection may originate from external factors or from the inner turmoil around food, body image or self-worth. Modern life is busy, it’s stressful, it’s hectic and a lot of women are juggling ageing parents and kids; it’s overwhelming. It’s hard to find ways to integrate me-time into an already busy schedule, especially when inner-sabotage derails good intentions and feelings of not deserving.

    I am Certified EFT and Behavioural Psychology Practitioner based in Kent near West Malling. I came to EFT after discovering it as an amazing tool to find a sense of clarity and peace during the perimenopause. It is can give an immeditate release from stress and self-sabotaging thoughts but also a deeper long lasting effect on the subconscious beleifs from our early years that continue to define our self-worth and safety. I have used EFT to combat blocks and issues in all areas of my life from a knee injury to getting further in my career.

    What is EFT?

    The AAMET manual on EFT states, “Scientists postulate that we have up to 750,000 thoughts a day. Each of these thoughts change the chemistry of the brain which in turn affects our body. If we focus on a distressing memory it disrupts the body’s electrical energy system. If we tap on certain acupuncture points at the same time, the body releases electrochemical messengers that help unblock the stuck energy. The result is that the emotional charge attached to the memory is detached. A bit like taking an electrical plug out of a socket. Afterwards, the memory may still be there but there is no negative emotion tied to it”