Our sessions will be


  • Our initial session will be dedicated to assessing your current issue and creating a personalized plan to fit your unique needs and goals.


  • Everyone has blocks when it comes to achieving their goals. I’ll work closely with you to help identify and overcome your triggers and self-limiting beliefs.


  • Finding a unified sense of self is a multi-faceted journey. I’ll be guiding you with different techniques such as EFT, meditative practice and behavioural psychology.



This is the start to honing in on your issues and identifying self-limiting beliefs.


  • A discovery call

  • An hour in-person consultation.

  • What areas of your life feel unsupported and limiting? What are the thoughts and beliefs that will make change?

  • An introduction to EFT.

  • Bundles of hourly sessions available at discounted rate



This is a deeper exploration to knowing yourself and integrating new beliefs with an increased sense of freedom.


  • A discovery call

  • A day (5hrs) one-to-one deep, intensive work using energy psychology, meditative and behavioural techniques on one of your core self-limiting beliefs.

  • Which is the limiting belief that affects you the most?

  • Do you struggle with feeling unworthy, unseen, lonely, overwhelmed? All these negtive thoughts are merely a learned unconscious pattern that runs in the background that can be cleared.

  • Where has it come from? What memories are linked to beliefs?

  • Where is the you, wanting to reveal herself? What thoughts, beliefs and actions will support this? Taking the choice to replace limiting beliefs with new, supportive beliefs for a fresh start.



This is where you want a whole new way of thinking and being. From thought, through action and external expression. If you want transformation, this is your package.

FROM £460 with payment plan

  • A completely bespoke service

  • A tailored plan to your on-going needs.

  • This is about sustainability over the long term.

  • Together we will come up with a planned itinerary that builds great life-affirming habits, tackles negative beliefs and puts you in the driving seat.

  • Together we will break down the capsule of limiting beliefs, layers of learned patterns that limit your life and make you feel less than yourself.

  • What situations do you consistently feel separated and unworthy? Who in your life triggers feeling of inadequacy? What series of memories are linked to these beliefs?

  • Living in a constant state of alert and overwhelm is not conducive to the peace you crave. Find freedom and expression to be the person you always knew was inside

book a free discovery call


book a free discovery call 〰️


I’m worried about feeling exposed?

We spend years hiding what’s inside, pretending to be someone else, fitting into the norms and shifting the focus away from what we actually want. Of course it’s going to feel a little exposing but you’re in safe hands. Give yourself the time and space to emerge.

I feel I have deep issues around food, body image and confidence?

Let’s make a start and see where this takes you. If this process takes you to a place that reveals deeper issues that you want to face, that’s okay, I have plenty of support from other professionals that I can put you in touch with. I am not a clinical psychologist and do not claim to have all the answers but I do understand the first layers of barriers that need to be chipped away in order to feel great.

What if I’ve spent this money and I dont feel better?

I am so confident that I can help, I give a 100% money back guarentee to anyone who does not look and feel better after a full Redress Package. Give it a chance, invest in yourself and I will do my utmost to help you rediscover yourself.

I dont know which package to choose?

Book in for a free consultation to chat through the options and see where our focus is best spent. It’s okay to start small and dip your toe in, as you can upgrade at any time or add bolt-on hours such as a shopping trip or EFT session. The most important part is to start!